Colour Index Name : Pigment Green 7
Colour Index No. : 74260
CAS No. : 1328-53-6
Chemical Family : Polychlorinated Phthalocyanine
Chemical Formula : C32H2N8CuCl14
Appearance : Dark Green Powder
Hue : Bright Green
Oil Absorption : 31-36 g / 100 g of Pigment
Solubility : Insoluble in water
Tinting strength : Excellent
Brightness : Excellent 
Hiding Power : Fair
Dispersibility : Excellent
Chemical Resistance
(1-poor, 5-Excellent) 
: Weak Acid(5) Weak Alkali(5) Soap solution(5) 
(1-Poor, 5-Excellent) 
: Water(5) Xylene(5) D.O.P(5) Acetone(5) Linseed(5)
Toluene(5) M.E.K.(5) Ethanol(5) Mineral Spirit(5) 
Heat Resistance : 120 c (60 minitues) - Stable120 c (10 minutes) - Stable 
Light Fastness
: Tint (7-8) Mass Tone (8) Light & Weather Excellent
Interior Excellent Exterior Excellent 
Free Metal Content : Aluminium < 50 ppm Copper< 100 ppm Iron (Fe) < 100 ppm
Heavy Metals NIL Other Metal (pb,Zn,&Cr) < 5 ppm 
PCB Content : The manufacturer of CPC Blue which is our basic raw material uses only Nitrobenzene and never use Chlorinated solvent. PCB's are the bye - product of chlorinated solvent and therefore there is no possibilities of their presence in our product. i.e. Pigment green 
Grit Content : < 500 ppm
Product Name  : Pigment Green 7 (C.I.No.74260)
Shades Manufactured : Pigment Green 7 (Yellower tone) Pigment Green 7(Bluer tone)
Supply Forms : Powder Moisture content < 0.5% Water Soluable Content < 1.0% Residue On 325 ASTM Sieve < 0.5% Regular Presscake Solid Content 50% +/- 5%
Packing Details : Regular Presscake 50 Kg. (Real Wt.) M.S.Drums FCL (20 feet)-9,000Kg.
Batch Sizes : 2000 Kgs. 
Blend Sizes  : 4,000 Kg. 
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